Magnetic Flowmeter Material Selection

The RBEF Electromagnetic flowmeters can be used for fluid flow speeds up to 15 m/s for a minimum conductivity of 5S/cm. The main application range of the RBEFC widely covers a variety of fields: 
l  Chemical and petroleum industry 
l  Metallurgy industry 
l  Water and waste water 
l  Agriculture and irrigation 
l  Food and beverage industry 
l  Pharmaceutical industry

But many different options are available for liner and electrode material used in a magnetic flow meter. This can cause confusion as to what to choose. There are several factors you must consider when selecting a lining material. All of the following must be taken into account before a selection is made.
·         Chemical resistivity
·         Mechanical stability
·         Temperature range
·         Abrasion resistance
In order to correctly select the liner and electrode material, pls refer to

Electromagnetic Inductive Flow Meter



Understanding the Micro Magnetic Inductive Flow Meter for Ultra Low flow

RB Flowmeter's Clamp - on Ultrasonic Flow Sensor for medical and Bio-pharmaceutical industries