Magnetic Flowmeter Material Selection

The RBEF Electromagnetic flowmeters can be used for fluid flow speeds up to 15 m/s for a minimum conductivity of 5S/cm. The main application range of the RBEFC widely covers a variety of fields: 
l  Chemical and petroleum industry 
l  Metallurgy industry 
l  Water and waste water 
l  Agriculture and irrigation 
l  Food and beverage industry 
l  Pharmaceutical industry

But many different options are available for liner and electrode material used in a magnetic flow meter. This can cause confusion as to what to choose. There are several factors you must consider when selecting a lining material. All of the following must be taken into account before a selection is made.
·         Chemical resistivity
·         Mechanical stability
·         Temperature range
·         Abrasion resistance
In order to correctly select the liner and electrode material, pls refer to

Electromagnetic Inductive Flow Meter



Hygienic Magnetic Flow Meters: Advantages and Disadvantages

Understanding the Micro Magnetic Inductive Flow Meter for Ultra Low flow