
目前显示的是 八月, 2024的博文

Introduce our latest innovation - the RBDM Insertion Fork Density Meter

We're delighted to introduce our latest innovation - the RBDM Insertion Fork Density Meter, a cutting-edge solution designed for unparalleled installation flexibility with continuous, real-time density and concentration measurement in pipelines, bypass loops, and tanks. 🏭💧 Crafted for diverse applications ranging from refined hydrocarbons and mineral slurries to the most challenging corrosive liquids, including acids and alkalis, our RBDM Meter is the epitome of versatility and precision. It ensures seamless inline density and concentration monitoring, thereby significantly enhancing interface detection, concentration control, and blending operations. 🛢️🔬 Key features include: High Precision: With a density accuracy of ±1.0 kg/m3, our meter provides reliable readings, ensuring your operations are based on the most accurate data available. Broad Operating Range: Capable of measuring density within a range of 0-3000 kg/m3 and tolerating temperatures up to 150°C, the RBDM Insertio

What should I do if the flow meter is disturbed at the site of use?

  In the fast-paced world of industrial production, flow meters serve as the backbone for accurate and reliable metering. However, like any sophisticated instrument, they are vulnerable to various environmental interference that can markedly impact their accuracy and stability. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach: 1.  Protection Against Electromagnetic Interference Low-frequency Electromagnetic Interference:  Originating from power supplies like 220V, 50HZ AC, standard wiring practices that separate AC power lines from signal lines can significantly mitigate interference. Special attention should be paid to prevent crossing of cables in trays or protective tubes. High-frequency Electromagnetic Interference:  To minimize interference, flowmeter signal lines should not run parallel to high-power cables (e.g., 380V, 220V). Employing shielded wires can be a prudent measure. Effective Grounding:  Proper grounding of the flowmeter and associated wiring can further d

Correct installation steps for clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter

  In the flow meter measurement in industrial production, in addition to the normal fixed pipeline type flow measurement device, there are often some flow measurement requirements that are not suitable for pipeline installation, or temporary and mobile. In this case, the external clamp ultrasonic flow meter can be useful, because the ultrasonic flow meter is a non-contact measuring instrument that can be used to measure the flow of fluids that are not easy to touch and observe and the flow of large pipe diameters. It does not change the flow state of the fluid, does not cause pressure loss, and is easy to install, so it is generally popular. However, the installation conditions of the ultrasonic flow meter are relatively strict, and the correctness of the installation method also has an important impact on the measurement of data. Clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter 1. Before installing the ultrasonic flow meter, you should understand the site conditions, including: 1. How far is the instal