RBFM-K Mini is a clamp-on transit time ultrasonic flowmeter designed for small pipe sizes and ultra-low flow rate

RBFM-K Mini is a clamp-on transit time ultrasonic flow/Heat meter designed for small pipe sizes and ultra-low flow rates. The unique design of the RBFM-K Mini is the plug and play installation method makes use of a magnetic circular clamp to achieve & maintain contact in between the transducers and the pipe wall. Total installation time is less than three minutes, significantly reducing the amount of time needed to install a traditional clamp-on meter.
RBFM-K Mini is offered with individual fittings for pipe sizes ranging from 1/2” through 1-1/2” (15~65 mm) and features an easy-to-read OLED display and industry standard outputs including 4-20 mA, OCT, Relay and modbus. The temperature is 0-65℃ or 0-115℃ for option.

The RBFM-K Mini can accommodate a variety of pipe materials including stainless steel, carbon steel, copper, PVC, PVDF, polypropylene and HDPE.

This combination of features make the RBFM-K Mini an ideal choice for DI water, chemical injection, food & beverage and a variety of other applications where non-invasive low flow measurement is required. #miniflow #lowflow #ultrasonic #clampon #online #flowmeter #btu #HVAC




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