What Are The Different Types Of Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic and Vortex Flow Meters

What Are The Different Types Of Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic and Vortex Flow Meters

Flow meter refers to a useful device that measures flow rate of a mass, linear, or non linear gas and liquid. Extensively used in scientific or engineering industries, flow meter plays an extremely crucial role. Like other devices, flow meters are available in a wide range of variations and depending on your customized preferences; you need to choose the one that meets your requirements.

For your convenience, in this article, we will discuss in brief about the various types of flow meters. This will help you in understanding features of various flow meters and choosing the one that suits your preferences the most.

Electromagnetic Flow Meters are specifically designed for systems that move conductive fluids(liquid) like water, acids, caustic liquids, and slurries. Magnetic flow meters refer to a device that does no having move parts or flow obstructions. Industries that use low maintenance applications can also opt for magnetic flow meters. The accuracy is up to 0.25% reading. Usually, magnetic flow meters are not suitable for activities, where distilled water or hydrocarbons are used. 

While buying a magnetic flow meter, it is important to ask whether the fluid is water or conductive based, what is the pipe size, whether there is any requirement for analog output, integral or remote display and accuracy demand, etc.
Electromagnetic flow meters

Vortex Flow Meters of choice for high pressure saturated and super-heated steam capable of measuring liquid, steam and gas.
Vortex flow meter detects velocity by measuring the frequency of the vortices, as the peel off the vortex strut of the flow meter. The frequency of these “Karman” vortices is directly proportional to the velocity of the moving fluid, whether this is a gas or liquid. The one advantage of vortex flow meter is that it is cost effective and so, one doesn’t require high budget for setting up the entire thing. Also, it does not require great maintenance.

Vortex flow meters

Ultrasonic Flow Meter will detect and measure flow rates without invading the flow stream or using moving parts. 
There are  two following principles of operation Ultrasonic flow meter: Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flow Meters and Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meters.
Indicates a non intrusive device that utilizes sound waves for determining velocity of a fluid that’s flowing through a pipe.
If you are planning to buy an ultrasonic flow meter, ask questions, such as, fluid type, installation type: Clamp-on and inline, whether you require an analog output, flow transmitter type: mounted and Handheld, what’s the pipe size and whether it’s always full? Ultrasonic flow meters also come in a wide range of variations and so, you should opt for the one that suits your requirements perfectly.
Ultrasonic flow meter



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