Flow Meters Market - Water Management, Petrochemical Industries Look for Smart Flow Meters for Improving Process Efficiencies

Press release from: Transparency Market Research
The measurement of liquid or fluid movement is flow measurement. Different types of flow meters are used in measurement of the movement of the fluid. Flow meter is used for measurement of mass, volumetric, linear and non-linear flow rate of fluid and gas. Flow meters consist of a scale, tube, indicator and stop. Moreover, the flow meters’ performance relies on certain factors like pressure, density, temperature and viscosity of the liquid. Most of the flow meters depend on forces produced by the flowing steam to indirectly measure the flow as it overcomes the known condition. But the positive displacement flow meters measure the flow by gathering a fixed volume of liquid then it counts the number of time volume is filled. Flow meters are known by different names like flow indicator, flow gauge, liquid meter and many more




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